西乐园寺的建筑工程,从最初的筹划、安排,到监督施工,都由上人亲自操劳。上人始终坚守他的宗旨,拒绝向富裕的香港社会攀缘,从不印通知、打广告,更没有一家一家去化缘。上人清净、崇高的节操与志向,使弟子们深受感动。 |
The Master arranged for, planned, and supervised the construction of Western Bliss Gardens. He printed no announcements or advertisements; he asked for no donations; he dropped no hints to wealthy lay people; and he did not go begging from door to door. Standing firm in his guiding principles, he refused to take advantage of Hong Kong’s affluence. His pure and lofty courage and determination inspired his disciples.