七十年代 金山禅寺 弟子们正在听上人讲解 《华严经疏序》、《华严经疏》及《华严经》
1970’s Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery
Disciples listening to the Master’s lectures on the Avatamsaka (Flower Adornment) Preface,
Prologue, and Sutra at Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery
使用耳机的目的,是为了方便弟子们在翻译英语时,同时可以听中文。在隔音室,其它的弟子们,则一边听中文,一边翻译并打字成英文讲稿。 |
Earphones were used so disciples could listen to the Chinese while the English translation was being given. Simultaneously, other disciples were in a sound-proof booth typing the lecture into English as it was spoken in Chinese.