放生的意义在于:如果我们尊重其它众生生存的权利及自由,并且将牠们放生,那么世界上的压榨、战争、杀戮,就可以不用武力予以根除。如果我们能将自己仇恨、妒忌、侵略的念头,转为慈悲、祥和之心,并且将那些在死亡边缘挣扎的众生放生,那么我们就能将自己及整个世界,从杀业所带来的可怕后果中解脱出来。 |
The message of liberating the living: Oppression, wars, and killing can be rooted out without violence if we respect the right of beings to live and be free, and if we liberate them. By transforming our own hostile, aggressive, and jealous thoughts into hearts of compassion and peace; by liberating creatures whose lives are doomed, we can liberate ourselves and the world from the effects that killing karma brings about.