瓶内所放的谷子逐渐减少,直到鸽子得深入瓶中取食。很多次,为了吃到食物,他们失去平衡,很是狼狈。从相片中,可以看到上人用几乎快空的瓶子在喂鸽子,同时也在教美国人书法。在一九六九年,上人每晚在书法班上,写出《楞严经》的经文,每次教二十四个中文字。同时在一堂课中融合了许多学习的内容,包括中文笔顺、写毛笔字的技巧及《楞严经》的经文浅释,同时也训练了学生的背诵能力。 |
Gradually the amount of grain in the tall glass jar decreased until the birds had to reach far into the jar, often unceremoniously losing their balance in the process, in order to get the food. The Master, shown here feeding the birds from a nearly empty jar, gave a 24-character calligraphy lesson every evening during the year l969. He wrote out the
Shurangama Sutra and combined many learning potentials into that single lesson, including stroke orders for Chinese characters, techniques of writing brush calligraphy, simple explanations of each passage of text, and development of disciples’ memorization skills.