慈兴禅寺刚改建时,发生了一件事情:新的道场使当地的魔王生了嫉妒。一九五三年时,便有一条红头青身的毒蛇,经常在道场出现。僧众第一次看到牠时,将牠捉入一个大桶内,然后把牠带到数里外释放。在他们回道场之前,此蛇却已先回到庙上。他们又把牠弄走,牠又回来,这样反复了数次。有一次,又将此蛇带去更远的地方。但将盖子打开,准备放生时,却找不着牠了。送蛇的人感到奇怪,把盖子轻轻地拍一下,将桶盖上。忽然,切断的半截蛇身掉了出来。当送蛇的人回到庙上时,这条毒蛇的身体又复原了,有人看见牠爬到佛殿前,盘着身,昂头吐舌。 |
During the renovating of the Monastery, an incident occurred involving jealousy. The new Bodhimanda had provoked the demon kings, and in l953 a red-headed, green-bodied poisonous snake kept appearing at the Way-place. When Sangha members first saw it, they caught it in a barrel and took it several miles beyond the grounds, but before the party had returned, the snake was already back at the monastery. It was removed again, and reappeared again. Time and again the same thing happened. Once the snake was taken particularly far away, but when the lid of the barrel was lifted to release it, it was nowhere to be seen. Thinking this strange, the man who had taken the barrel away replaced the cover with a light tap, and suddenly the severed body of half a snake fell out. By the time the man had returned, however, the body had become whole once again and the poisonous snake was seen crawling in front of the Buddhahall where it coiled itself, lifted its head, and darted out its tongue.
蛇属于龙的族类。所以,上人塑了一条金龙,栖守在寺庙左边的降龙石上。同时师父用了一星期的时间,每天二十四小时持诵〈楞严咒〉。当金龙造好之后,又将这条毒蛇弄走,这次就没再回来了。 |
Snakes belong to the class of dragons, and so the Venerable Master molded a golden dragon to perch on top of the dragon-subduing rock to the left of the monastery. Simultaneously the Master personally recited the Shurangama Mantra nonstop twenty-four hours a day for a week. After the golden dragon was complete, the poisonous snake was taken away and it never reappeared.